Conversations Essays & Chapters
As a Christian, am I Supporting a Book (the Bible) and an Organization (the church) that Hurts People?
What About Bible Verses Used to Justify Slavery, Corporal Punishment, and Domestic Violence?
Reading Black Bodies from Galatians
Heroes of Faith (Hebrews 11)
What Does the Bible Say about the End Times?
Roll/Role Call: Invocation, Remembrance, Lamentation
Is Jesus the same as God?
Womanist Roundtable Webinar: Canaanite Woman (Matt 15:21-28)
Telling Our Stories, Healing Our Souls
You Can't Beat God's Giving
A Letter to the Trump Administration
How Can We Respond to Hate Speech?
The Stories Our Bodies Tell: Black Bodies That Matter, Black Lives That Matter
Do Black Lives Matter?: How Christian Scriptures Speak to Black Empowerment by Lisa M. Bowens, Dennis R. Edwards and Love L. Sechrest
Choosing the Better Part: Cultivating Solidarity in the Face of Racism
Journal for the Feminist Studies of Religion Winter, pp. 43-45.
You Can’t See What I Can See’: Reading Black Bodies in Galatians
Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation Thirtieth Anniversary Expanded Edition, Cain Hope Felder, ed.
In Christ, but Not of Christ: Reading Identity Differences Differently
Minoritized Women Reading Race and Ethnicity, Mitzi J. Smith and Jin Young Choi, eds., pp. 23-44.
Flowing from Breast to Breast: An Examination of Dis/placed Motherhood in Black and Indian Wet Nurses
Womanist Biblical Interpretation: Expanding the Discourse, Gay Byron and Vanessa Lovelace, eds., pp. 209-238.